TAG Flight
Dashboard for your private jet
TAG Flight
Dashboard for your private jet
TAG Flight was a unique project in my career, as we were tasked with developing an app for a privileged group of private jet users. Our goal was to create a streamlined experience that would allow private jet owners to not only check their aircraft's status in real-time, similar to an EV app, but also to manage their crew and plan their trips through the app.
To ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience, I spent time studying their behavior and learning the terminology associated with the private jet industry. The feedback we received after launch was overwhelmingly positive, and I am proud to have been a part of such a successful project.
TAG Flight was a unique project in my career, as we were tasked with developing an app for a privileged group of private jet users. Our goal was to create a streamlined experience that would allow private jet owners to not only check their aircraft's status in real-time, similar to an EV app, but also to manage their crew and plan their trips through the app.
To ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience, I spent time studying their behavior and learning the terminology associated with the private jet industry. The feedback we received after launch was overwhelmingly positive, and I am proud to have been a part of such a successful project.